
Kızkalesi manicipality,bound to Mersin-Erdemli,63km away from Mersin,23km from Erdemli,27km from Silifke, D-400 way passes in it and also it is the manucipality which forms the border between Erdemli and Silifke.In summer season you have a change to find a bus where you want to go per 5 / 10 / 15 minutes.Also you can hire a car or a motorcycle.


Highway: It is connected to all cities with highway.
station no:(+90-324)2381648

Railway: Mersin is together with many cities by means of railway and has international connections.
station no:(+90-324)4513510

Maritime line: There are over 100 ports and maritime line connection.They serve in international quality.From Taşucu Port,expeditions are made regularly with the hovercrafts.
port no:(+90-324)2333272

Airway: Adana Şakir Paşa Airport is 129km to Kızkalesi,106km to Erdemli and plane expeditions are made to domestic and abroad regularly.

Bus firms in Maiden Castle

Kızkalesi Has, Özkaymak, Şimşek Seyahat, Silifke Birer